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WSC Pavillon Project Update JT Gray Reserve

A lot has occurred onsite since the last project update in January 2021.

The clubs have relocated into temporary facilities on the eastern and western sides of the reserve with change rooms and social rooms now being used.

The former pavilion was demolished in February 2021 and site clearance has been completed.

As you are aware, Council received a planning permit in late November 2020 for the new pavilion. There are a number of conditions placed on the construction of the pavilion due to the close proximity of JT Gray Reserve to the Altona Refinery South Crude Tank Farm.

One of these conditions is to upgrade the structural integrity of the pavilion to mitigate the risk to occupants of a low frequency, high consequence event within the South Crude Tank Farm.

To meet the conditions of the planning permit, Council needs to enhance the building to a higher structural specification than was originally designed. While this work has commenced, it does mean that there is a delay in the commencement of construction on the new pavilion.

We are still firming up the new timelines. As soon as we know when construction will start, we will let you know.

For more information on the project we will be updating the following Council webpage, which can be provided to members to view:


Sam Anicic

President, Williamstown Soccer Club


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